We love making memories at North Cascade! Be it right from our exam room table tops or the comfort of our own couches at home - everyone is family at NCVH and these little moments are what make our family beautiful!
Dr. Squibb with Steve & Kyle for their FIRST kitten package appointments!
Dr. Henderson working hard on a spay surgery
Mary & Mel enjoying their time at a S.P.O.T. auction dinner
Caught Mary being sweet on the phone ;)
Kristi, Steph & Eli enjoying the fun at the annual S.P.O.T. auction dinner & fund raiser night
Mel working hard to prep for her next dental procedure
Dr. Squibb & Shelby showing us how to scratch a belly AND examine an ear simultaneously
Dr. Squibb hyper-focused in our Treatment room
Raquel patiently waiting on hold, getting some research done for the doctor.
Mandy & Mary showing their Seahawks spirit on Blue Friday!
Steph & Ellie taking a break for some cuddles and love!
Ellie guarding her fortress (the gurney) she has made into her own personal bed for the last few years...lol
A super cute puppy we couldn't resist kissing and taking photos of before his appointment ;)
A little terrier visiting the S.P.O.T. kitty before his appointment.
Steve. (Steph & Eli's cat) he's a little dumb, but he sure is cute!
The most beautiful chocolate lab, Chesapeake mix you've ever kissed!
So...where's that cookie you promised?
Unimpressed schnauzer is unimpressed.
Santa visited North Cascade! So many cuddles that day...it brought a tear to your eye!
I have brown eyes, I swear!
There's just something about goldens that melts your heart like nothing else...
It's Santa and Ellie when she was just a tiny baby! She tried to eat Santa's beard that day...
Poor Bandit...recovery can be such a bummer.
Kyle...maniacal even as a baby!
A beautiful blue puppy! <3
Dr. Squibb just making someone comfortable before he starts his exam - a natural occurrence here at NCVH :)
That green! Is it even real?!
How could you ever say "no" to this face?!
In loving memory of Turkey...may you never be forgotten.
Steph and her family squishing Santa around the Christmas tree :)
The float sign from the 60's themed parade!
A throw-back shot from a 4th of July parade. "Serving Sedro-Woolley Since 1963" was our theme! It was a super fun day!
Elvis made an appearance! Dancing from one end of main street to the other! We were the eye-catcher that year!
Mel and her goat! Not to mention colors!
Mel clad in groovy colors!
The Groovy Truck! This towed us along with our sign and our entourage of pups, 60's themed costumes, music and fun!
More Mel favorites!
The girls couldn't get enough!
Danise, charming her snake, dawning her paisleys and looking amazing!
A throw-back Halloween photo of Alissa! Scary Fairy?
Steph, Kristi & Ellie...another Halloween at NCVH...a cave-lady, an alligator and a bumble bee! What a combination!
Bandit's just hangin' out...I'll be over here whenever you're ready for me.
Kristi the bumble bee! Can you believe she HAND MADE this entire costume?!
What was that? Where are we going? Wait! What's that in your hand?! Your'e putting it WHERE?!
Elvis & Marilyn say farewell. The end of the parade and the stars are tired. They wave goodbye as they sit on the back of the groovy truck and rest they're dancing feet.
Kendra & Kat pose for the camera. Another throw-back from the 60's parade.
Another successful surgery for Dr. Henderson!
Dr. Squibb doesn't want his picture taken...but just look at that profile!
Dr. and Mrs. Squibb finally relaxing and enjoying the annual S.P.O.T. auction and fund raising dinner.
Kyle was so good for Dr. Squibb for her her first appointment <3
Jill, Mandy, Alissa & Dr. Henderson relaxing after dinner at Squibb house at the annual NCVH staff Christmas party (2017).
Mrs. Squibb, a lovely hostess for the annual NCVH staff Christmas party.
Mary, Ashley & Mel enjoying some downtime at the annual staff Christmas party.
Dr. Hinckley & Dr. Howland; a true candid moment at the staff Christmas party 2017.
Dr. Caswell & her husband looking festive as they relax after dinner at the 2017 NCVH Christmas party.
Emily, Kaitlyn, Steph & Mandy showing their NCVH spirit on "Ugly Christmas Sweater Day" at work!
The Squibb Family Christmas Tree. Or as Dr. Squibb would say..."It's gonna be a good ol' fashioned Griswald family Christmas!"
Kaitlyn & Mikaylee looking TOO cute and almost unrecognizable out of scrubs at the NCVH Christmas party!
The Squibbs opening their gifts from the staff at the NCVH Christmas party!
Raquel & Jonathan are all smiles as we get ready for the "white elephant" gift exchange at the NCVH Christmas party.
Mandy & Steph show their love for Christmas in their extra festive attire on "Ugly Christmas Sweater Day" at work.
Shelby enjoys the sights and sounds of Christmas with her new baby boy! Congratulations, Shelby!
The First Snow of 2017!